Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Tulisan 1 Softskill semester 6


The benefit of studying English for us, college student of Economics Faculty is :

1.    Expand Knowledge

Ø  The more languages we speak, the more extensive our knowledge will be.

2.    Career

Ø  If we master the English language, we can communicate well will clients from foreign countries.We can develop our business widely and maybe have chance to work in foreign country.

3.    Get More Friends

Ø  Of course we want to have friends from different countries. We can communicate with them through social media and we need to have good English to do so.

4.    Pursue Opportunities Abroad

Ø  We doesn’t want to go abroad? Definitely i want to go abroad, more than anything else already had a lot of acquaintances. Even we can continue our education in other countries.

5.    Able to Understand the Technology

Ø  Now all the technology using the English language. If we can understand the English language fluently, we also understand the technology and can work with the modern technology successfully.

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